Quick Start
Deploying via Infrastructure Tools

The serverless-iiif GitHub repository includes a Terraform Module (opens in a new tab) that can be used as a drop-in component in any Terraform manifest. Please refer to the documentation and examples below, as well as the Terraform documentation (opens in a new tab) for more information on how you might use these tools to deploy your own custom stack to AWS.

Required Inputs

These variables must be set in the module block when using this module.

source_bucket string

Description: Name of bucket containing source images

Optional Inputs

These variables have default values and don't have to be set to use this module. You may set these variables to override their default values.

cors_allow_headers string

Description: Value of the CORS Access-Control-Allow-Headers response header

Default: *

cors_allow_origin string

Description: Value of the CORS Access-Control-Allow-Origin response header. Use the special value REFLECT_ORIGIN to copy the value from the Origin request header (required to emulate * for XHR requests using Authorization and/or Cookie headers).

Default: *

cors_expose_headers string

Description: Value of the CORS Access-Control-Expose-Headers response header

Default: cache-control,content-language,content-length,content-type,date,expires,last-modified,pragma

cors_max_age number

Description: Value of the CORS Access-Control-MaxAge response header

Default: 3600

force_host string

Description: Forced hostname to use in responses

Default: ""

iiif_lambda_memory number

Description: The memory provisioned for the lambda.

Default: 3008

iiif_lambda_timeout number

Description: The timeout for the lambda.

Default: 10

pixel_density number

Description: Hardcoded DPI/Pixel Density/Resolution to encode in output images

Default: 0

pyramid_limit number

Description: Smallest pyramid image dimension. Set to 0 to prevent server from auto-calculating pyramid page sizes.

Default: 256

resolver_template string

Description: A printf-style format string that determines the location of source image within the bucket given the image ID

Default: %s.tif

sharp_layer string

Description: ARN of a custom AWS Lambda Layer containing the sharp and libvips dependencies. Use the special value JP2 to use the managed JPEG2000-compatible layer, or INTERNAL to use the built-in dependencies (without JPEG2000 support).

Default: JP2