Quick Start
Deploying via the AWS Serverless Application Repository

Deploying via the AWS Serverless Application Repository

serverless-iiif is distributed and deployed via the AWS Serverless Application Repository (opens in a new tab). To deploy it using the AWS Console:

Step 1

Find the serverless-iiif application (opens in a new tab) in the AWS Serverless Application Repository.

Step 2

Make sure your currently selected region (in the console's top navigation bar) is the one you want to deploy to.

Step 3

Scroll down to the Application settings section.

Step 4

Configure the deploy template:

  • Give your stack a unique Application name
  • Enter the name of the SourceBucket the service will serve images from
  • Check the box acknowledging that the app will create a custom IAM roles and resource policies (and if deploying the Caching version, that it will also deploy a nested application)
  • Optional: Enter or change any other parameters that apply to your desired configuration.

Step 5

Click Deploy.

Step 6

When all the resources are properly created and configured, the new stack should be in the CREATE_COMPLETE stage. If there's an error, it will delete all the resources it created, roll back any changes it made, and eventually reach the ROLLBACK_COMPLETE stage.

Step 7

Click the CloudFormation stack link.

Step 8

Click the Outputs tab to see (and copy) the IIIF Endpoint URL.