Quick Start
Deploying via the Command Line

Deploying via the Command Line


Step 1

Make sure the AWS CLI is properly configured (opens in a new tab) with credentials that have sufficient access to manage IAM, S3, and Lambda resources.

Step 2

Clone this repository.

Step 3

Copy deploy.yml.example to deploy.yml. Update the various values under parameter_overrides within.

Step 4

Build the application:

$ npm run build

Step 5

Deploy the application using one of the following:

# To be prompted for all configuration values before deploying
$ npm run deploy-guided
# To deploy using the current configuration, prompting only for changeset confirmation
$ npm run deploy

If you use the guided deploy, you'll be prompted for various configuration parameters, confirmations, and acknowledgments of specific issues (particularly the creation of IAM resources and the deployment of an open/unauthenticated Lambda Function URL). Otherwise, you'll simply be asked to confirm the calculated changeset.

Step 6

Follow the prompts to complete the deployment process and get the resulting endpoint.